Jon Curtis JESSOP & Cynthia Pate - Media
Jon Curtis JESSOP & Cynthia Pate - Media
Cindy and Jon Jessop and family on their 2015 Christmas card
Cindy and Jon Jessop in 2015
Cindy and Jon Jessop and their chidren at Breckenridge, CO Saw Mill Reservoir in 2013. From left: Lisa Candland, Laura Garn, Cindy, Jon, Sherry Johnston, Clark Jessop, Theodore Jessop
Cindy and Jon Jessop and their family in 2013. Left to right: Harold,Lisa, Parker Candland in back with Mary and Daniel in front; Andrea Jessop holding Paige, Clark Jessop with Christian, Jack (Jon) and Jeremy in front ; Jon and Cindy; Lucy Garn in red boots is in front of Cindy, then Laura holding Morris Garn, Trevor Garn; Michael Johnston, Henry Johnston, David Johnston, Sherry Johnston holding Evangeline Johnston, with James Johnston and William Johnston in front of them; below Sherry and just to her right are Elsie, Jill, and Pate Jessop. Behind them are Charlotte and Tad Jessop. Tad is holding Joshua Jessop.
Cindy and Jon Jessop and their grandchildren in 2013. Left to right standing Jeremy Jessop; Mary, Daniel, and Parker Candland; Jon Jessop holding Morris Garn, Cindy holding Evangeline Johnston, Michael Johnston; Pate holding Joshua Jessop; William Johnston; Jon (Jack) Jessop. On the bench left to right Henry Johnston, Lucy Garn, Elsie Jessop holding Paige Jessop (about one month old), Jill Jessop, Christian Jessop, and James Johnston. Not present is Sybil Garn (b. 9/15/2015)
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